Commodore Disk User Volume 4 #3
custom basic
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Commodore BASIC
48 lines
10 rem custom-designed basic! (v.5) -- elaine foster
12 poke53280,14:poke646,14:poke53281,6
15 print"[147] custom-designed basic
20 [153]" transfers basic rom to ram underneath,
25 print" and changes that ram to suit! run50
30 [153]" to transfer the old, slow way. run100
35 print" for turbotransfer. see rems for explanations.":end
40 rem --------> basic rom to ram: slow (37 sec)
50 a=40960:b=49151:fori=atob:pokei,peek(i):next:poke1,peek(1)and254
60 goto230
70 rem
90 rem -- or --> basic rom to ram: fast (1 sec)
100 poke88,0:poke89,192:rem lb/hb for destination ea+1 = 49152
110 poke90,0:poke91,192:rem lb/hb for source ea+1 = 49152
120 poke95,0:poke96,160:rem lb/hb for source ba = 40960
130 sys41919:poke1,54:rem basic 'move', inactivate basic rom
140 rem -- must poke1,54 in prg before using ram under rom
150 tem=48578:rem useful line tracer: 'system'
160 rem
200 rem -- applications.
210 rem
220 rem (1) remove punctuation-sensitivity of 'input':
230 poke44140,0:poke44144,0:rem ($ac6c,$ac70)
250 rem
300 rem (2) change 'data' separators from ',' to '+'
310 poke44183,43:rem ($ac97)
320 rem
400 rem (3) personalise 'ready.' prompt
410 n=41848:fori=0to5:reada:poken+i,a:next
420 data69+76+65+73+78+69:rem "elaine"
430 rem
500 rem (4) change 'input' prompt to "!"
510 x=33:poke43846,x:rem ($ab46)
520 rem
600 rem (5) fix null asc
610 poke46991,5:rem (b78e beq $b795)
650 rem
700 input"[147] enter a string containing punctuation ";a$
710 system:print"="a$:q$=chr$(34):print"asc("q$q$")=";asc("")
720 rem
800 rem (6) internal use of tem (see line 150) before changing syntax error msg:
810 hello computer!
820 rem
900 rem (7) change "syntax" error to " word". must run910 separately:
910 n=41525:poken+0,32:poken+1,87:poken+2,79:poken+3,82:poken+4,196:poke1,54
930 rem -- again use tem with new " word" error message:
940 hello computer!